
Name: JiLong <준하>
Just another ordinary guy..
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    Friday, November 21, 2014
    Start of another chapter in life

    I've enlisted just 2 weeks ago, and today is my first book out for the Basic Military Training (BMT) phase. It has not been a smooth sailing journey thus far, and in view of the plans I haven't achieve last month when I had the time, I do think that things are changing for the better.

    Just like how I felt when I took off for Korea alone, I wasn't aware of what to expect, despite surfing cyberpioneer and having watched 'Ah Boys to Man'. From the start of the journey to Pasir Ris Bus Interchange to the exchange of my NRIC for the 11B, I knew that it has started. It was my turn to serve the nation and experience what every man in Singapore went through. At this point of time, I may be the oldest but not the brightest or the most matured while I stand among people who are 1 or 2 years younger than me.

    In my opinion, Pulau tekong is a really beautiful island with various sceneries that is stunning, especially looking at the sunset after a day of tiring training. The building I'm currently staying is near the ferry terminal, and considering that my bunk is on the 5th level, explains why I get to appreciate the sunset sometimes at a spectacular view. I never fail to stop and enjoy it. Eagles and several other species of feathered creatures can be observed at times. There hasn't been much starry nights during my stay till now, but just this morning, the skies where full of stars when we arrived at the cookhouse at 0615 hrs. I mean, all these little nature sightings do brighten up the days before it even starts, considering that we woke up at 0400 hrs to clean our bunks.

    Having pointing out the pros of the island used for BMT, regimentation is anywhere but comfort zone for most of us recruits. Routine orders (RO) were delivered daily at the end of each day and there were little or no rest or buffer time between activities, and sometimes orders were changed without prior notice, making us even more hectic. That is why it was the best on rainy days, we were relieved almost every time we heard the category 1 announcement, because it means relaxing time instead of physical training. Knocking down was common but didn't gave any aspirations to become sergeant or officer after hearing about the training they have to go through in Specialist Cadet School (SCS) or Officer Cadet School (OCS).

    Entering straight into the BMT phase from carefree civilian life and never having the discipline to train my physical abilities, I've suffered much. Just within the bare 3 weeks of our training, we're about to embark on an 8 kilometer route march next week with a 20 kilogram load on our shoulders, marching with our blistered feet. We also went through the Standard Obstacle Course (SOC) and apparently, it was a simplified version of what they used to have. I thought it would be easy initially, but I had some difficulties when I attempted the course, but managed to finish the course nonetheless.

    Tough as it may be, I've made some friends and worked well with them. I learned a lot from them as well, but my social skills have yet to improve and I'm trying not to be so much of an introvert. On the contrary, I'm looking forward to the book in on Sunday.

    Usually after the RO, they have a message for the day, and I find many of the quotes meaningful, one of which goes like this: 'The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. The only easy days were yesterday'. Since then, I've been reminding myself of this message whenever I want to give up and fall out of any physical training prescribed, and it definitely helped.

    written @ 8:15 PM