
Name: JiLong <준하>
Just another ordinary guy..
♥ 디셈버

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    Tuesday, December 24, 2013
    21st Birthday Celebrations

    First of all, I want to thank all of my friends that wished and celebrated for me. Each and everyone of you guys are important in my life, and I really felt blessed to have all of you in my life. The greatest present each and everyone of you have gave me is your presence in my life, and it is indeed the best presents I can receive, and it will always stay that way. I would like to apologies for any wrongdoings I've done in the past, and I thank all of you for the forgiveness and for continuing to be my friend.

    18/12/2013 - Teen Titans (Edwin, Yi Jun, Jalene)
    It almost felt like I decided to join the Freshmen Orientation Camp to make more new friends to start off my Polytechnic life a little more meaningfully just yesterday. Time really flies, people come and go all the time, you were the guys who stayed, no matter what. It hasn't been an easy journey, but the chapter is coming to an end, so let's work hard for the last phase together.

    Teen Titans had shrink to a 4-member clique and I'm sure it will not shrink anymore. I'm really sorry that I despite all your kind efforts to celebrate for me, I misunderstood you guys. Thank you for everything you guys have done for me, guiding me through my life of Republic Polytechnic. Let's have more trips in the future!

    Credits: Jalene

    19/12/2013 - Edwin, Cressilda, Huiting, Xinyi, Kit, Caiyi
    It has been a great pleasure knowing you guys, and though I may not be close to all of you, I'm really thankful that you guys planned a celebration for me, make time and money to come up with a dinner celebration, and in addition, plan how to prank me, book and cancelled the groupon and did everything.

    Credits: Kit

    22/12/2013 - Annabelle, Karin, Lennard, Jolanda
    You guys have been the first few friends I had when I resumed school, you guys were different from all the others back then. So glad to have you guys in my life, understand me when others don't. Our friendships had lasted over the secondary school days, and will stay on for as long as we will live. Thank you for all the joy and sadness shared over the years, and many more to come! Thank you for the birthday present! (although I haven't see it)

    23/12/2013 - Maggie
    Thank you for hanging out with me on my birthday. I had a good time listening to your grumbles and teasing you, while exploring town from LaSalle to Sunshine Plaza and POMO. It's been great working with you last year! Thank you for the homemade cookies as well!

    23/12/2013 - Ivan, Ren Jing
    Best buddies and brothers of mine since 2005. Our brotherhood comes a long way, thank you for all the nonsense we used to do, and although we all lead different lives now, we'll always have each other as brothers for now and forever.

    Credits: Ivan

    23/12/2013 - K-Class Study Group (YuDing, SiXu, YuTing, Charlie, Leonard)
    I thought we were just having some meetup for fun, and I was just telling YT that I don't want people to spend money for birthday presents for me.

    Till now, I consider the decision of joining Korean class with my Good Progress Award of $200 as one of the best decisions I've made in my life. It's been a pleasure knowing all of you, going to Korea together, ranting about stuff we hate, going for concerts together, study Korean, giving each other advice for anything and everything to name a few. Thank you for the birthday present and birthday card yet again. May we go to Korea together as a "K-Class Outing" someday!

    Lelee, Peizi, Peishan, Samuel, Christina: Thank you for wishing me!

    Last but not least, I would like to thank my parents and sister for everything that they've provided for me, even though I'm unworthy and did nothing at all to deserve anything. I've not made much effort to spend quality time with you guys, always out with friends and busy with school work, and learning driving as of now also, but I'm trying my best to be a good son.!

    On a serious note, I'd like to achieve greater heights in terms of physical abilities and monetary savings for the matter, using specific indicators. It's been the best birthday, thank you everyone! Love you guys!

    written @ 1:37 AM