
Name: JiLong <준하>
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    Tuesday, June 25, 2013
    이승철 - My Love

    I'd bet that this is the best wedding proposal ever, at least for a long, long time.

    written @ 1:24 AM

    Sunday, June 16, 2013
    Invasion #2, Day 18

    I woke up at 3 am to observe the morning ritual. It was a magnificent view, from up the mountains. The silence of the surrounding, the peacefulness I felt, it was as though time has slowed down, and the feeling of nature could go on forever. Stars were all over the night sky, it's really like paradise at its best. And I went back to sleep after the rituals.

    Woke up again at 5 am, we sent Yuding and Chen Fang off to the taxi where they headed for Japan, Fukuoka. After washing up and watching the sun rise, we were ready to conquer the mountain! We set off with freshly made traditional 떡, filled with pumpkins and kidney beans. It was quite a journey, and we rested at several points before reaching the peak, and it was awesome. We took pictures on the way up, chatted with the volunteers. It was a good experience. The guy who waited for Sixu with me said it was over 100 times that he trek the mountain when I asked him! It was my first time getting on top of a proper mountain, and I think it is quite an achievement, a fulfilling one.

    We then washed up while the rest was debriefed, and with our heavy luggage, we rushed and cabbed to the bus terminal where we catch our express bus back to Seoul. It was a terrible 4.5 hours ride, considering that it'll be the end of the trip soon. We soon arrived at 혜화 and left our luggage at the hostel before heading out to have our dinner. We went to 동대문 to change some won because we were running out of money. Our last meal for the trip was at the BBQ restaurant and we really enjoyed it. Ase collected our luggage and board the limousine bus, I remember trying to enjoy the last moments of Seoul for the trip, and promise myself to come again.

    We decided to check in before eating Baskin Robbins, a bad choice because most of the shops and cafe was closed by the time we check in, leaving us only a few choice to chill before boarding the plane. We went to Charlie Brown Cafe and had some coffee. The flight was delayed for about 45 minutes, leaving us at Incheon for another 45 minutes more. And, it was time to say goodbye to Korea. Transitted at Taoyuan Airport, and reached Singapore on time.

    And then, reality kicked in without any warning, before I could think, I was already on my way to school, and Laboratory Management UT1 paper was on the afternoon.


    written @ 8:31 PM

    Saturday, June 15, 2013
    Invasion #2, Day 17

    We woke up early, and headed for 범어사 temple early in  the morning. It was quite a journey, and with some help from passerby, we managed to hire a cab and took us up the mountain, about 10 to 15 minutes ride. Our big luggage was a hassle and we had trouble dragging it.  A sense of relief was felt when we were attended by the monks in the temple. We reached the temple at about 12, if I remembered correctly.

    I thought I've planned this trip up the mountain too early, because we haven't had our lunch, and I was a little worried where we should have lunch after putting our luggage, but I was thankful that the temple provided vegetarian lunch for us. It was alright, very simple lunch with 3 vegetables inclusive of a Kimchi dish and soup. The person led us to the area where we put our belongings. I didn't have any expectations of the number of people that signed up for templestay, but there were very little people when we arrived. It was around over 20 people and we were shown some introductory video before the start of the lessons, and self-introduction session where we told each other our names and the reasons for signing up for this templestay, both in Korean and English whenever possible. Almost 35 - 40% of the people were foreigners, and they segregated Koreans and foreigners so that the translator can translate for us.

    We were taught the proper way to pray, the significance of the different areas that houses the different Buddhas. We toured around the temple. Before we could eat dinner, we recited this mantra. There were tons of rules to follow in the temple, like bowing to monks or anyone you see in the temple ground as a form of respect. We presented flowers to the Buddha during the flower offering ceremony, and made our own 108 prayer beads mala. During the ceremony of making the bead mala, we have to bow 108 times and we could make 108 wishes, where I felt miserable during the process but good after the ceremony. We walked Then, it was time to sleep and males and females were separated as usual. After brushing my teeth, we headed to our dormitory to sleep, where we found this grasshopper, as big as my palm, resting in the small room, and we were asked to leave it alone. The monk told us we could wake up to observe the drum ceremony at 3 in the morning, and I was determined to watch it.


    written @ 8:27 PM

    Friday, June 14, 2013
    Invasion #2, Day 16

    After changing money from the bank near the hostel (the exchange rate was getting better since the time we reach Korea), we reached 광안리 beach at about 10 in the morning, and it was already drizzling this early in the morning. We didn't kind of expect that, I mean, it's supposed to be summer after all! Anyway, we still managed to kayak for about 2 hours though the person gave us a 3 hours package for the price of 2. It was enjoyable kayaking under the drizzle, with the kayak accommodating all 3 of us, Seagulls were everywhere, especially on the rocks, and they've got a bad habit of dropping bombs on these rocks. It'd be good if we could try other sports, but time and money was quite an issue. While kayaking, we encountered this shark-like figure heading against the waves but was scared and curious at the same time. Oh well, we didn't pursue it.

    We took a taxi back to hostel and washed up ourselves, and went to a nearby lotteria for lunch. It was quite a mess when I tried to take a shortcut back to hostel, and I'm really sorry for the misery I've caused you guys, especially Chen Fang who was not feeling very well even during the kayaking. Well, we passed by some love motels on the way, and it was pretty interesting because I saw some vending machines in these motels. Anyway, after hanging clothes in our room since it was raining, we went back to sleep until 5. I didn't know kayak was so draining. I was so tired that they had to force me out of bed to meet yuding and her friends.

    They managed to find Wi-Fi and we whatsapp them that we'll be late, but they end up waiting for us for about an hour. Luckily, we still found them when we arrived at 부산대역. We introduced each other and went shopping. Typically, it was the last day for me and sixu, and they psycho me to use up my won to buy some clothes, and I bought a T-shirt, jeans, and a shoe. We went for dinner at a chicken place, the service was so-so but food was alright as well. While at the train, we got to know that yuding's friends actaully got pass busan without knowing or learning any Korean for 5 months during their exchange program, and they were planning on a Seoul trip and Japan trip before heading back to Singapore (awesome, man!).

    To be honest, I've totally forgotten about our little plan to buy cake, when they challenged me and Chen Fang to go different routes to get back to hostel. Still, I managed to convince Chen Fang that I need a drink from the convenience store and she and yuding could go up and wash up. Sixu and I then rushed down the street and bought a cake for the celebration, and hid it in the fridge at the common area. It was quite crowded at the time. We borrowed a lighter from the smokers to light the candles, but was ruined by me breathing too hard when surprising the birthday girl from the back, and the fire was distinguished by it. Haiz.

    Well, while we went out to the bench, 2 pretty 누나 came and offered to help us take picture. And we offered them a slice of cake each and they sat down with us and chat. As usual, I didn't talk much, I just listen. Turns out that the two ladies were from Seoul and they came to Busan for a getaway. They were a little racist and said they were scared of black people (LOL), like in Insadong. We had fun and slept quite late. A long, but good day!


    written @ 11:00 PM

    Thursday, June 13, 2013
    Invasion #2, Day 15

    We woke up late and continued to slack while eating the chestnut that they bought the previous night. It wasn't our plan, but somehow we just sat down and played weiqi for an hour or so. Washed and hanged our clothes at the roof of the building, and they decided to do something funny with my jeans. We had our 자장면 at the same stall we went yesterday for a late lunch, and headed to 광안리in hope that we can do some water sports. Yuding went off to find her friends.

    When we reached the beach, it was already close to 5, and the person in-charge told us that they were closing in a while, and that should we come back the next day, he’ll give us a better deal depending on the sports we choose to play. We took a glance at the price, and they all seemed reasonable! We then planned to come back the next day, early in the morning. So we went to Cold Stone and try the ice-cream (can’t remember the flavour, but it was nice). Without much surprise, it was my first time eating Cold Stone. We went for a round or two of 8 ball game, since we were really bored.

    We toured around the area and bought some snacks and banana milk, and went back to the beach to settle down. As we sat down, we saw quite a lot of Busan University students warming up (can't remember what sports they were from). The 광안대교 lights up during the evenings and it was indeed a sight, though I wouldn't say it's as nice as 반포대교. Still, it was magnificent.

    Then it was dark and the "show" ended. We went to the kimbap franchise 김밥천국 and bought some 김밥, it was way cheaper in Busan than in Seoul. We headed to 노래방 with our "dinner" and sang for about 2 hours. Quite a day, but it could have been better if we could play sports. Nevertheless.


    written @ 7:58 PM

    Wednesday, June 12, 2013
    Invasion #2, Day 14

    Woke up in time to catch our express bus to 부산 at 11. Thought it was quite near to 해운대역 but we took about 10 minutes to reach the hostel. Nonetheless, Indy House hostel was cosy and the in-charge was also friendly and guided us to the best of their ability.
    Washed our clothes and hang it before heading out. Ate 자짱면 in one of the stall at 해운대시장. Went to 부산해항 면세점 at 종앙동역항 for our first stop, so that Yuding and Chen Fang can purchase their ferry tickets from Busan to Fukuoka. Made some comments, which I regretted. I have to take note when I should keep my suggestions and not induce unnecessary misunderstanding without knowing the context and feelings of another person. Took quite a while but they spent about $200 each for return tickets. Kinda envious, but I guess I may have my chance in due time.
    After checking the map, we decided to go up a steep slope which led us to 부산타워 at 용두산공원. It was quite a view up there, and a little cloudy, so we bought some 라면 to warm our stomachs before heading down. We came to a shopping street and of course, we went shopping.
    자갈치시장 was our next stop. We walked there because it wasn't very far from where we were. They weren't interested to go in and look at the seafood, I'm guessing because of the fishy smell. I thought it was quite a waste because words cannot describe the variety of seafood that you can find there. Spectacular, strange, weird seafood I never knew existed. The crabs outside the market that was bigger than our two clenched fist joined together was nothing as compared to what was inside the market. Octopus bigger than the size of my abdomen, fishes longer than the length of my leg and more. 
    I went up to the second floor where cooked and dried seafood was sold. There, many people was enjoying their dinner with their friends, colleagues, or family, with raw and cooked seafood served. The smell of the cooked seafood was that awesome my stomach grumbled most of the time when I was observing people eat. To my surprise, I did not see anyone eating 산낙지. I went down to look for them and saw them with a 아줌마. Was not sure why they've made friend with her but I just find something strange when they say she wanted to treat us to dinner out of the blue, I wasn't aware of the situation but we followed anyway. She treated us to 10 servings of barbecued meat, but I was still furious, and I felt the heartache when they asked me to leave.
    After my appeal to trash things out after the incident, I realize that my mistake was that I couldn't contain my anger, and how upset I was, even though she did nothing to us. I really will apologize and thank her if I see her again. I really hope after all these, we will understand each other more and not contain any hatred towards one another, now that we understand each other's perception at these kind of situation.
    Ended the day with little said, hoping tomorrow will be a better day.
    Just some things I thought about after the two incident, one after another, in just one day.
    I'll try not to be so serious at serious moments because it will not help to resolve conflicts.
    I appreciate all of my friendship, so I couldn't contain my feelings for long. You can blame me for my attitude when I take things seriously, it's like a different me. but I do not agree that misunderstanding should be left as it is, simple perspective for that. When more and more builds up, it'll not be easily resolved. Maybe I'm those who remember hatred, but I also remember to appreciate. If misunderstanding stays as it is, let's just say that I cannot think that we will be friends for long. 
    As for fandom, I did not came overseas with the mindset of chasing idols. I think it'll be great if we meet our idols spontaneously. 
    I think the take off from this trip is that I may want to have company at some point of time, but if we cannot settle things and feelings easily, leaving a scar behind, I would rather go alone. There's no obligations to adhere to.



    written @ 11:00 PM

    Tuesday, June 11, 2013
    Invasion #2, Day 13

    Started our day catching the bus to 순천 after leaving our luggages at HQ. Cabbed to 고속터미널 and the long bus ride started at 11 sharp.
    Reached at about 3.40 pm and went to the guesthouse. The person in-charge just leave the hostel and went out without any information, I would say bad service as compared with backpackers inside. The room was a little cramped, but still alright for one night, I guess. Locked our room and went out. When we bought our tickets at Suncheon expo, it's already 4.30 pm and we decided to buy tickets for 5 pm since it'll be half price. the weather became so gloomy that our mood were affected by it.
    The girls took quite a lot of pictures but I took none cos I left it at the guesthouse. Went for dinner at where the taxi driver recommended us and it was worth the ₩10,000, considering the loads of 반찬 that include 2 whole fishes, mini soft shell crabs, marinated crabs and a whole lots of different 김치. Washed up and went to bed after planning Busan itinerary.


    written @ 11:00 PM

    Monday, June 10, 2013
    Invasion #2, Day 12

    I seriously do not know wtf is wrong with me. Why is it that i can forget the route that I took jus the day before? There must be something wrong. I was confused by the itx, I guess it's the strong desire to take ktx, maybe. It's either that or plain stupidity causing the waste of time for all of us.
    We reached 강촌 at about 3.30 pm and went for the atx. Saw the bungee challenge but did not attempt to go. It was still fun. Yuding shared ride with cf and sx. We went for 춘천 railbike. It was quite a relaxing one and Sixu made a 뮤비 out of it.
    The railbike took us to 김유정역 and I went to 명동 street myself since they didn't wanna go and to change money.
    I took a taxi cos it required me to wait a while for buses and it was already late (7pm). There was a lots of winter sonata's photos, all around, after all these years. 
    Quite a few shop sell A&F clothes. After shooing for a while and getting lost, I found my way to 명동's famous 닭갈비 street. It's not even long but the whole street was full of 닭갈비 stalls. Went into a quiet one and I was well served.
    Was glad I took a cab to 춘천역 cos I had time to play around with the KTX machine. Found out that it only cost ₩6,000 to get to 충무로 and t price for both first and second level of the cost the same. What's more, it will only take 57 minutes to reach the destination!
    Of cos I chose the second level one. It took about an hour to reach, and the seats are comfortable. Definitely worth the ride, but it'd be better if I can see the scenery. Nevertheless, the feeling was shiok when the train just flew past each stations without stopping.
    Reached home at about 10.40 pm.
    Went drinking again and I can't believe it's our last day at 서울. They say time flies when we have fun, and I definitely agree to that. Slept at about 4 am in the morning.



    written @ 3:30 AM

    Sunday, June 9, 2013
    Invasion #2, Day 11

    I went for lunch with the girls and headed for 춘천. It was already 2.15 pm when I started my journey. Wasn't really a near destination from 서울 but the scenery on the way captivated me. Reached at about 4.
    The dirt bike was a whole new experience, which I changed from bike. Costed me ₩25,000 and worth it.
    Took a cab and went to 구곡폭포 and the trail was not as difficult as 복한산's. Nice waterfall they have there.
    Went drinking at Comfort Zone, the pub that was beside where we stayed the last trip. Slept at 2+.



    written @ 1:00 AM