
Name: JiLong <준하>
Just another ordinary guy..
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    Tuesday, March 19, 2013
    Just Any Other Days

    It's been quite a while since I my last blog post. Time is really flying past like nobody's business and it's starting to get busier by the week. Been hitting the gym last monday and today as well. Feels great. I just came back from a rather small gathering with several people of teen titans missing, but I shall not mention any names though. When I look back on the people that comes and go, I started to realize and understood about life in the aspect, and we just can do little about it. And realized how I've bonded with teen titans. However, despite the small number, I'm still enjoying their company, and I hope that we will stay intact for a long, long time. I can't wait for the next outing with teen titans, and I hope that the it will be more than the four of us.

    I've been enjoying dinner with belle, lennard and karin at chomp chomp and udders on Saturday and also a few session of mahjong  and chit-chat previously, hanging around as usual, talking about the school days. I still can't believe that we've left secondary school for already more than 2 years Looks like they're all doing well. Samuel and I have not been chatting, but it's great that I caught up with him the week before after his Korean class, and he's already finishing Intermediate 1 in 3 weeks' time.

    It's a pity I haven't been catching up with Ren Jing and Ivan together except for a brunch meet-up and I overslept. We're all busy with our own life and own friends, but our friendships have come a long way, and of course, it will still go on. It's also been quite sometime since I met up with Korean class people and I really missed them, but they seemed to be busy every week. I'm hoping that we all can make this saturday to get together. I can't remember the last time I touched Korean language, but also on last saturday, I met 선생님 after drinking a bit of beer, and she gave me 경고.

    Korea trip plans are on-going and things are still uncertain until tickets and accommodation are booked. But I still haven't mentioned to Yuding that Ivan was interested in tagging along. But I'm guessing I'll have trouble saving. I've also realized that I got a huge sum of allowance as compared to anyone in teen titan. I should come up with a saving plan soon. If anyone can offer any advice, it will be great.

    I'm quite disappointed that the KL trip was cancelled, but somehow it allowed leeway for more budget for Korea trip, if plans go well. Can't have to best of both worlds. Nevertheless, we'll be celebrating Huiting's birthday on friday, and I guess I should be limiting my budget after that.

    Final year project is already starting before I knew it, but I hope we're doing fine at this point of time, since we've been missing out on the pre-requisite modules to start with. With two members I'm not really familiar with, I hope that all of the team members can help me make the team a better place for us to strive for better results for the project as a whole. I shall not be late for meetings anymore.

    Well, I'm expecting that things will get more busy, and I should be concentrating on studies and final year project. So much things to be done, but so little time. It may be a good time to draft out a timetable for better time management. I hope that the best has yet to come. It's an hour since I've started writing this post, and I shall end it with a OST from a bollywood film Billu Barber, titled Marjaani. I think Kareena Kapoor is quite good looking! Enjoy!

    written @ 1:15 AM