
Name: JiLong <준하>
Just another ordinary guy..
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    Monday, April 9, 2012
    Back to Reality.

    Really shag. It's time for reality, yet again. Time flies when we're having fun. I still remember the day we arrived in 인천공항. It's as if I've landed in 인천공항 just yesterday. I can't wait for the next trip with the same great people already.But still, it's seriously time for reality check. I haven't been thinking much about my future. Maybe short term plans will do me good in the long run.

    written @ 11:59 PM

    Sunday, April 8, 2012
    Day 14, 창경궁 > 이태원 > 이대 > Pub

    Today we woke up rather late because of the late night yesterday. It was the last day. I really can't believe it's already ending.

    Anyway we went to 이대 again to buy some 양말. I manage to grab some street food along the way as usual. I really shopped with my heart. But at the end I only bought facial masks for my mother and sister and 양말 also. After we done our last day shopping at 이대, we went back 혜화 after going 이태원 where ruzzie get her kebab. I went to innisfree with Sixu while yuding and ruzzie went to artbox. When we stepped into innisfree, Sixu told me quietly that the person serving us at the counter had an unnatural nose (Plastic surgery). There was no curve but I didn't really notice much.

    Yuding, Sixu and I went to cozy grill to have our dinner. As great as the previous time. Doreen and Grace didn't join us because they went to eat at se7en's shop with sojong. Samuel said he went to 코엑스몰 and 압구정 to buy his poster.

    After dinner, we went to the pub again for the 3rd time, but this time with Samuel. He agreed the services were good. As usual, my eyes became red first followed by my face. The boss served us fruits and dried food again, one after another. We went off at 2 and took 3 Polaroids with the boss.

    For me, after the drinking session, I slept for 2 hours and got ready for 인천공항.

    written @ 11:59 PM

    Saturday, April 7, 2012
    Day 13, 창경궁 > 홍익 > 이대

    We went to 홍익 to do some shopping. Samuel didn't came with us because he was meeting his friend for dinner that day. We went to the flea market which is held every saturday. I didn't buy anything there but I think the artists there are really talented. There's graffiti shoes on sale, paintings and on-the-spot engravement for rings, nicely carved necklaces carved on the spot and also accessories which are made using useless material like lego and unwanted bicycle locks.

    There's also this artist who was sketching drawings of people in just 10 seconds! Though there is no price, I saw people putting in coins and 1,000 won into a bucket placed on the table of the artist. Seemed like the booth is very popular from the queue he's getting. There's also this fat little boy that queued with his mother and brother. The brother kept laughing non-stop. Well, people started laughing when the artist draw the fat little boy. It's really hilarious and alike. The brothers kept laughing when they saw the sketching of their mother.

    Doreen, Grace and Yuding went up to this mall and bought maypole stuff because they wanted shinee's stuff that comes with the purchases.

    After that, we walked from 홍익 to 이대 to shop again. We bought Japanese pancakes and it's unbelievably On the way to 이대, they bought Polaroid films and stuff from this bookstore. Sixu went to get the free photobook of se7en from olive young.

    We finally reached 이대 and they went to buy some 가방. They shopped for quite a while at the bag shop while me and ruzzie waited outside, enjoying the wind. They proceed to more shopping until Grace was broke. While waiting outside the shops beside yes apm mall, she kept complaining how she borrowed Doreen money until she had to borrow from Doreen.

    After they've done shopping, we went to 이화여대 entrance. From the outside, it looked like british school. After that, Doreen and Grace went to 동대문 while me ruzzie yuding and Sixu went 명동. As a matter of fact, I haven't spent on anything till we reached 명동 but they went bac to musickorea again and bought the big bang's collection card. I bought 2 packs, still thinking who to give. I suggested to eat street food and we ate topoki and the fish cake. They've got boiled escargots as well.

    We went to 남산타워 by foot right from 명동. On the way up, there was this man selling fried bugs for 2000 won. Initially, I thought it was nice Korean food cause it really smelled nice. We took pictures at the photo spot. Seeing busy Seoul up from the spot, I felt at ease. I was wondering how Korea prospered just in a short while, 50 years.

    Finally we reached 남산타워. There a series of shows on the 남산타워. I think it's really nice animation being played. It makes me wonder how they do this kind of amazing things.

    We went back down to the subway by bus. We went home and went to the pub again for the second time. This time they served dried food as free service. Very different from Singapore because they don't serve free services. We left the pub at 2am.

    We webcam-ed with Charlie and we laughed all the way till 4am in the morning. *Apologies to them if any disturbance*

    written @ 11:59 PM

    Friday, April 6, 2012
    Day 12, 창경궁 > 창덕궁 > 북촌한옥 > 이테원 > Pub

    We went to 창덕궁 palace and it was definitely a nice tourist attraction. I'd like to visit the palace again and see what lies beneath the secret garden of the palace. We saw the throne and the queen's bed and the structure of the palace. I bought some souvenirs for my father and a cup of hot mocha.

    We went to 북촌한옥 village and explored the village as it was nearby. Our intention was to find all the 8 photo spot but in the end, we only managed to find 4 of them. However, We (Samuel, Sixu, me) found a traditional knot house and went in initially for toilet but after appreciating the artwork, we each bought the nicely knotted bands and necklaces. We then took quite a while to find our way back to the subway and headed down to 이테원 for supper. Yummy and not expensive either. We then went home.

    Not long after, yuding, Sixu, Grace decided to go to the pub. Can't believe we're only left with 3 more nights in Korea. So we went there to chill and relax till 2am then slept. It was a rather nice place to chit chat.

    written @ 11:59 PM

    Thursday, April 5, 2012
    Day 11, 창경궁 > 남대문 > 명동

    Today we went out at 11+am to 남대문 to shop. Yuding and Sixu went to a shop and bought a pair of shoe each at 5,000 won. Rather cheap.

    We found the bags that's selling in one of the shop rather cheap (10,000 won) so I bought 2, one for my brother and one for myself.

    While walking towards 명동역, we passed by a shoe repair shop and had our shoe repair cos my shoes were in need of repair. Grace's iPhone fell into the toilet bowl and she was rather sad but it turns out to be fine.

    We reached 명동. We also shopped there for the 2nd time and went to the musickorea shop. They bought albums while I was tempted to buy gavy nj album but decided not to in the end. We then went to eat porridge. It was really nice with all the kimchi. I haven't ate porridge for a long time. They 아줌마 speaks fluent chinese so we've had no problem communicating.

    After meal, we went to this bookstore which sells almost everything, be it shoes or other stuff. The shop was in a very nice concept with a pleasant scent. I bought something for Lennard and Annabelle cos I think it's cute. I also bought this cute deco sticker. I ran out of money and need to borrow some from ruzzie. I was totally broke and the feeling is not goood.

    We went back to the musickorea to exchange Sixu's broken disc from the album she bought. We went home after that.

    written @ 11:59 PM

    Wednesday, April 4, 2012
    Day 10, 창경궁 > 정선 *Auraji Rail Bike*

    Today only me, Sixu, Samuel, Yuding decided that we want to go to auraji rail bike. The other 2 is not interested while ruzzie say she has not much money left. I really didn't regret saying yes to this trip out of Seoul. We took some time to get to the rail bike station.

    We starting our journey to 정선 at around 8am in the morning but reached there around 3.30pm. Spend at least 60,000 won that day. Though the total traveling time is approximately 10 hours, which we slept most of the time, the rail bike made it all worthwhile. The guesthouse is really cozy and nice, beyond the ability to describe. Definitely I'll go back to stay some nights someday. The rail bike cost us 32,000 won for 4 people, pretty reasonable.

    While waiting for our turn for the rail bike, and because the track is just by a river, I sat there and relax by enjoying the mountain wind and the sound of the river (while ignoring the Kpop that's being played through the speakers, though it's nice Kpop). It's just heavenly when I open my eyes and look at the river and mountains.

    Then it was our turn to ride the rail bike. Nice scenery, people and houses we've seen during the ride. The people that guided us to the place to take bus and all.

    After we reached our hostel's area, we went to cozy grill. It was the most delicious meal of the trip. For sure. The meat were well marinated and it tasted heavenly. We ate beef and pork. It was like 10,000 won per person.

    written @ 11:59 PM

    Tuesday, April 3, 2012
    Day 9, 창경궁 > 동대문 *Doota Mall* / *Migliore Mall*

    It's a day in 동대문. Today i really bought a lot of clothes.

    We went to Doota Mall and see the stuff. We split up so as not to waste time in waiting for each other. It's a pretty nice mall with all cool stuff.

    We then went to the migliore mall. Bargaining was allowed. The first thing I bought was a pair of jeans. My initial plan for the day was to buy a pair of shoes before I buy anything else because it's the priority due to my current shoe having a big hole.

    But yea, I did applied the principle of negotiation today that I've learned during my organizational behavior classes.. Sounds pretty boring but its actually useful in this kind of situation. I bought another t-shirt with the skill.

    Something that I notice about the shop owners, a common trait. It's to at least sell something to anyone that pass by their shops.. For the t-shirt, it was actually 22,000 won but I bargained to 16,500 and when the shop owner saw me leaving withou buying, he lowered the price to 15,000. Interesting much? Haha.

    We went back to put the items that we bought. We arrived at doota mall again and Samuel bought his watch, belt and T-shirt while I buy a belt. We went to shop at the shop street during near midnight and it caused me a bomb. I bought a nice shirt with the help of sixu's scissors paper stone skill at 23,000 won cos of bargaining. Again. Haha. He chatted with us and told us about alot of nice things in korea. Then i saw the blazer also quite nice. I bought a formal blazer which is really nice in design and the 아주씨 is also dam nice. That's why I decided to buy from him by bargaining again. He really try his best to help me look for the best outfit for the blazer. I bought from him the blazer and a collar shirt at 70,000 won. After buying another baseball jacket (for Zoe 30,000 won) with yuding and Sixu, we took a picture with him and he says that his friend often call him a 곰 I think. Haha. We reached home at 1.40am in the morning. Lol

    written @ 3:54 AM

    Monday, April 2, 2012
    Day 8, 창경궁 > 경기도 *Petite France*

    Petite France is where we went today. It's really tiring, considering to traveling to the petite France itself. It's not very nice also.

    Well, the buildings and the things they've there is somewhat interesting, and the infrastructure is also differently built. There are also guesthouse in the Petite France itself, and I really wonder who would really prefer to live or stay on the mountains kilometers away from the busy town. It's really not so accessible, that's why. But still in all the bad points, there is also positive points in the trip to petite France. I think the scenery while going down the mountains is really enjoyable. It helps me relax. At first we thought the place is quite small but we didn't manage to finish it in over an hour's time, so its quite a pity. Definitely love it.

    It's total of 4 hours ride altogether.

    written @ 11:59 PM

    Sunday, April 1, 2012
    Day 7, 창경궁 > 명동 > 서울종합운동장 > 이태원

    Today we ate at se7en's shop and it was not bad at all. The chicken is nice and the thick glass noodle is not chewable at all. Nevertheless, the service Was good and their business was good also.

    After lunch we headed for Olympic stadium for infinite concert. Samuel went for church service here in korea while Doreen and Grace went 명동 shopping for shinee's album again.

    It was a worthwhile concert, considering I've enjoyed most part of it, just some part I nearly fell asleep. They thank their parents, which I don't think most uprising kpop boy group will, publicly and teared.

    Having enjoyed the concert, we went to 이태원 again and nice food was served, had a nice dinner as well.

    Surprisingly, we didn't sleep when we reached hostel. Samuel woke up and wanted to go out and eat and drink so we followed along to kill his alone time. (A bit too much alone time is not healthy. Seriously.) We had a nice chat over coffee bit by bit till next morning and continued the day as per normal the next day.

    written @ 11:59 PM