
Name: JiLong <준하>
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♥ 디셈버

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    Thursday, September 29, 2011

    Once again, Happy birthday to all the September babies! It has been another very busy week filled with much fun and laughter but it has all yet to come to an end.

    Weekends were spent working in a supermarket which freaks me out. The manager's disgust me, like seriously. Too bad he wasn't my superior and can't do anything to me. The crowd was all the same for both days and the sample they provided me was not enough. What can I do? The organisation is still at its forming stage. Since the crowd was same, my job was quite slack there.

    Anyway, the week started with buying Karin's birthday present. Seriously, I suck at buying presents. Firstly, even though I do quite know the person, I don't really know what kind of things a person can like, and when I choose something, I always wonder if the person will really like the item. I truthfully think that sincerity makes the best presents. And having said that, I believe hand-made ones, cards for example, are one of the best of these best presents. Only with sincerity, it can be counted as a present. For me, the presence of the people I love, who cared for me, is the best present for me that I ever want. Be it their presence on my birthday or simply their presence in my life, it's great. I'm feeling bad as I can't really find time to make something for people as birthday presents. But still with sincerity, I wish all of them a happy birthday and I hope for a great life ahead for them. I also hope they like their presents too.

    After present-hunting, I went dinner with Annabelle and her niece at McDonalds. I really give my sympathy to that child. After dinner, I went to the martial arts chalet at aloha loyang. The place was a little too ulu for taxi to find, and I was overcharged, just like I expected. Many things happened at the chalet. Though aloha loyang is well-known for its ghostly stories, it was a fun event nevertheless. Taiwan went berserk after consuming 3 shots of coffee, along with different hard liquors. It was a disaster, if you could imagine 11 people trying to pin a bull-like man down and barely succeeded, you would know what I mean. He was high on coffee, like he claimed. With the 3 shots, he was controlled by the coffee for 3 long hours during the night. I guess the others did enjoyed themselves with liquors and card games in the house. Still, as usual, people are drinking without the legal age, which I used to. But those who can't take it but tried to be hero.. They'll have to realize they're not, possibly when they become zero. Most ordered mac in the middle of the night. I still think that some people heard or felt wrongly. Some psychological issues here and there, but we all had a good night. Then it was training for the taekwondo training for us. Indeed, a tiring day for all, after partying the night before. Demo training has went well, and I look forward to later's training.

    Having so much fun in a park is what I haven't do in a long time. I can't remember when is the last time. I'm really sorry for being late, again. We celebrated Zoe's belated birthday at East Coast Park. It was a great feeling, when I just stand with my feet under the seawater, the feeling of a real heavy load lifted from my shoulders. We had so much fun cycling and flying kite before we head for dinner. Dinner was Subway. I feel bad for leaving them to get to my friend's gathering party.

    Another party with great friends. Again I ate quite a lot thanks to Christine. It was another great dinner, no doubt. They decided to play the game 'Werewolf' which we played last Friday. Basically the game requires a few strips of paper, a pen, as much people as possible, and of course most importantly for this game, utmost integrity. It's quite an interesting game.
    The roles are to be written on the strips of paper and folded:
    > Human - no speciality
    > Werewolf - Kill with Master werewolf
    > Master Werewolf - Bite & Kill with werewolf.
    > Hunter - Kill when he/she dies
    > Witch - Ability to Heal or kill (once each in a game)
    > Seer - To know if someone is good or bad
    > Little Girl - To peep at anytime of the game
    > Cupid - To link two players together
    The game goes like this. There will be a Game Master to narrate the whole game. When the game starts, it'll be night and everybody is to close their eyes. The GM will call out all the roles individually and ask them to sleep. This is to let him/her know who is playing which role in the game. Preferably, the little girl is to be called out to start off with. He/She will peep at anytime of the game as and when he/she likes. When every role has done their job, they are to go back to sleep before the GM calls another role. The cupid will be called to choose to either link 2 players or do no link. The GM will den go round and tap the two player and call them to wake up. They'll know that if any of them dies, the other dies too. He/She can only link a pair at anyone time, that is to say he can link another time if the pair dies and he's still alive. The werewolves will then be called by the GM and decides to kill anyone. The witch will then proceed if he/she wants to heal killed player and kill any player. The seer will decide who he/she wants to see.
    After all the above steps is done, the Game Master will announce morning and ask all to wake up. He/She will announce if anyone is dead. If no one is dead, he will announce that the witch has chosen to heal. The GM will reveal if the seer has spotted a good or bad person depending on the role. Then the voting will start for anyone to go out, which means he/she dies in the game. Discussion is allowed during voting. The person will then reveal his/her role.
    Then the GM will announce night when all is done. He/She repeats the same sequence every night.
    - If the werewolf dies, the GM will ask the Master Werewolf to bite another player and the player becomes werewolf.
    - When the hunter dies, he/she drags another player to die.
    - When a linked player dies, his/her partner dies too.

    That's all for the game. It's really a fun game. I'm sure all those who played enjoyed it. It taught me a very important lesson. Money can never buy this kind of happiness, this kind of bonding is priceless.

    Apart from all those, I did have a tiring day today, after all the fun I've had. It was a long day and it was like, it finally ended. Oh well, a good rest I've been longing for! :)

    written @ 11:52 PM

    Friday, September 23, 2011
    Busy Week!

    It has been another tiring week. Monday was just a great time rushing proposal for the Ladies' Night '11 that will be happening this October. For the first time, I'm in such important group. In any case, I was quite guilty that I didn't make it for the previous week when they discuss most of the stuff as I was off on Genting trip.

    But the proposal did went alright on Tuesday. I was really glad we managed to pull it off given such a limited time. I thank all those who've help their very best and also each and everyone as all had made significant contribution to make it looks good. On the other hand, I didn't thought that I'd contributed much to the proposal, though they say I did fine. There was some conflict but we managed to clear the misunderstanding, or so I hope.

    And then came Wednesday. I was supposed to go shop for belle's present but failed cause Karin couldn't make it last minute. Fortunately, my day wasn't screwed and I managed to attend the mental skill talk. It was an inspirational one and I think it has influenced me quite a lot. During which, there was this funny activity of catching balls. Quite funny but yea. They decided to go Swensens after much pondering here and there before they actually decided. Nevertheless, it was a funny session and dinner where all chatted happily, but, me. Why is it that the habit of mine still remain unchanged? Punctuality is apparent problem rising from old habits too.

    I really regretted being too quiet most of the time, and I've not made much progress since the day I decide to change. I will try harder to kill the ego within me. It's killing me wherever I go. No matter what, I just want to change, and I'll start from tkd people. Hopefully, I can know all of them before the next semester starts. Speaking of which, I just can't wait to see how I fared for my very first semester in RP. Of course, fear was unavoidable as I did not have so much confidence when I did the UTs. As far as I'm concerned, only those who didn't study will fear the results they'll get. Though I believed that I people who studied will not fear, the method of studying must also take into considerations before the efforts are put in. Without proper way to study, no matter how much effort or time is put in, nothing really goes in.. Nevertheless, it's always the same; Expect for the worse, Hope for the best. I hope all would get what they expected.

    written @ 3:23 AM

    Sunday, September 18, 2011
    Another Day..

    The day didn't went great, with screaming from as early as 6am from my mother. Again, she left my clothes for me to wash. I have no choice. I was really going crazy as I wash my clothes. At the same time, I reflected on how I took these things for granted. I really did, and now I finally realize it is so wrong. I felt her pain, the hard work she put in every single day to wash each family member's clothes. Then I see that she was nurturing me the hard way, making me know that if I still keep taking her for granted, and when the days without her come, I'll be so dead, alone with everything, lost.

    Slowly but steadily, I understood that it was just another way in me growing up. These reflections are priceless, I didn't know how precious the thoughts she tried to force in me, until now. But it's always late than never. I really thank my mother with all of my heart for bringing me up in every way she can and I just want to say that I love her. From now on, I'll really appreciate her more than before with my actions and I'm sorry for causing her so much trouble in the past. I hope that I'll improve in every way I can, as a son. I was feeling so sick, so tired when I was washing the clothes. It was another level of understanding how she felt everytime she's sick but still hang on there just to finish doing all the chores. No words can describe her efforts towards the family.

    I just hope that my parents will not quarrel so often. These days, my brother has not been going to school and his name was removed from the school's database. How can I help him? I'm so lost. My sister has not been coming home often and it has been months since I last saw her. I really miss her presence, her guidance. I just hope that she scores well for her upcoming exams and comes home soon. Time to sleep, I guess. No more 7am to 1pm kind of sleep.

    written @ 11:03 PM

    Genting Trip!

    Genting trip started out fun! My first time going genting. I don't travel as much as I wish to. I do not have the luxurious amount of time and money required. That's too bad for me. Therefore, I really thank my parents that supported me financially for every getaway trips.

    Anyway, I really enjoyed the trip. It was a whole new level of knowing these awesome people. The rooms were cosy and fortunately, we didn't have any strange encounter. It's great that all of them did enjoy. Credits goes to Ms Joanne who planned this trip. For the people who didn't make it, I'm sure there will be next time! The rides were awesome. I've always loved how life is really the way they are during getaways. It's like nothing was a bother. You feel like yourself. Even more when you're with friends. However, the return journey back to reality has made me realize that there are more important things to be done. It's not a good feeling.

    The two children of Ms Joanne made the trip more fun and joy. The hiring of cab after we got off the coach was really painful as we waited about 30 minutes for the cab. Let's hope that the next trip will be soon as Riyaas plans it.

    Oh well! Here my mother goes again, asking me to wash my own clothes. Great. Gotta plan my holidays like real soon and do something productive. No more slacking if possible. But the headache is killing me.Why do I still feel empty, left out?

    written @ 6:38 AM

    Wednesday, September 14, 2011
    Lost & Found

    It feels great to revive this blog, even at 3am in the morning. I wonder how long I've not been blogging. Some misunderstanding with my supervisor had led me to quitting NTUC. I'm still thankful to what I've learnt from the job. Shortly after I quitted, I continued my tertiary education. It was a new chapter of my life I've longed for a long time.

    Life has indeed change a lot since I started my tertiary education in Republic Polytechnic. To tell the truth, I'm glad how RP has shaped me till this point of time. Well, I was labelled as almost, or maybe the weakest student in my new class with my shy, afraid-to-communicate attitude. It was a challenge but I'm glad I did my best in class. As I proceed, I find myself "climbing up a ladder" in most of my modules. At first, I had no idea about the modules I took until I actually attend the lessons. Considering the amount of communication that was required of me, I've picked up valuable life-skills. Still, there's more to learn, and there's more improvements that await me.

    Then it is one of the best choice I've made, influenced by a good friend, Samuel. It's simply choosing Taekwondo as my IG. People might think it's just another IG or activity to burn some free time. To me, it has a great impact in my life. People that I've known, friends I've made from the IG. They are awesome in every way.

    Of course, I have to thank my parents, my peers - annabelle karin etc, my brothers - Yan, Ivan, Samuel, Chee Kian, Lennard etc, my tkd IG, and all those who've aid me and guided me in one way or another, hoping for a better me.

    I have also realized that time, is too precious to be wasted. I hope it's not too late.

    A little about today. I washed my own clothes for the first time in my life, if I even remembered correctly. It started as my mother refused to wash it for me. I thank her for that. At first I did not, but gradually as I reflected, I felt appreciative towards her making me to learn by the hard way. It's really a pity I've missed tkd training, I hope I still can be of help to the women's fight night committee..

    Oh well, thats all for now.. Time to pack my stuff and get ready for genting trip!

    written @ 4:11 AM