
Name: JiLong <준하>
Just another ordinary guy..
♥ 디셈버

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    Sunday, January 24, 2010
    Why did it happen to me?

    Still bz till no time blog.. Since i was packed wif things on the sat and also wif homework on sun.. Firstly, i wanna grats my cousin for finding her lifetime partner, though i wasnt very close wif her or anything.. i hope their love is long lasting, juz like my love to my family and frens, only different love lol.. Anyway, i attended her wedding ceromony in the morning and also the wedding dinner on the evening after i watched Legion..

    To be exact, i missed a whole 25 min at the beginning cos i was coming down from bedok.. But the story was dam crap.. i tink the author or director is passing the msg dat mankind will be coming to an end, this time not by flood, but by sending angels to destroy mankind.. And it has a sudden ending, or shd i say an unexpected ending.. i would suggest dat u go watch the lame movie and waste ur 10 bucks on this movie lols, dats if ur above 16.. Fking xtian idealogy lols..

    i regretted not going to the kpop.. i mean like i was wondering whether to go or not but wtf.. i chose not to go.. But its ok cos the 1st ever successful kpop party wif all the 350 tix sold out was a big success for a organiser.. i hope there'll be more and i'll definately join in for sure! i hope my cliques of frens will tag along and therefore i will be the organiser den lols.. im sure they'd regret it if they dint go next time!..


    Remember to check on the Facebook profile for upcoming kpop nitez! : http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=wall&gid=233672525648
    Till den..

    written @ 9:46 PM

    Wednesday, January 20, 2010
    Busy Time now..

    School's ok today..Today the hw is lesser therefore i got the time to blog..

     Mr Paul my form teacher told us dat the ss teacher is organising S. Korea Trip for 40 students, based on 1st come 1st serve.. Fk.. South korea was the place i long to go since the time i went crazy over kpop.. The trip will take up the whole march hols.. Which means dat i'll haf finished my korean classes before going.. Well, dats If i decided to go.. Going there is 1 of my dream now, but when i tot dat im going wif sch mates, it made me feel fked up lol.. Maybe its bcos no ppl i noe is going tgt? Im not sure but from the people i asked so far, they encouraged me to try queue for the trip as the vacancies are limited.. Maybe tmr i'd go and tell paul i wanna go and see how.. Why is it so difficult to decide? .. Dun care 1st la.. i still got 1 more days to see whether i wanna go..

    written @ 8:54 PM

    Thursday, January 14, 2010
    O lvl pls come and go..

    Wtf.. i persevered and dint use com so often.. Dats the reason why i've not been blogging so often.. i tink i've kicked the habit of actively on9.. Wtf.. Zz.. Chiong hw and revision everyday, and not decieving myself.. Maybe i've slacked a bit.. but i tink its still ok..

    i found the f&n teacher not bad after today's lesson.. & today we got our f&n coursework A qns:
    There has been an increase in obesity over the years. Investigate how nutritious and healthy food choices helps in preventing this diet-related problem.
    Food fads have become prelavent in our affluent society. Explore some creative and healthy snacks for a target group of people

    Its dam crap.. i dunno wads the meaning of food fads.. But i tink i'll choose the obesity qn cos i tink i'll manage it well.. i nid ter improve all my subjects instead of blogging here =X.. nvm.. i've juz mastered the 14 labels and function of eye this afternoon LOL.. i hope i rmb if ppl ask me.. & mdm ratnam is telling me im not putting enuf effort.. -.- kpop fighting! lol.. School life and chionging study was ok for me but it is absolutely not for the present me.. But no matter wad, i WILL make it, for sure! Learning korean now.. signing off..

    written @ 9:19 PM

    Monday, January 11, 2010
    Finally.. On my own..

    Went back to GH today.. So sian sa.. The senior house parent closed down the peace side whr my things were, which is whr i was living when i was in there, which the reason being? Too dirty, so close down.. Heng today got go back pack things and bring back to my own home.. Or else my stuffs and all dat was inside would probably be in the rubbish van tmr morning.. Thx my mom nag me to go back and take back all things.. Nop, i've not discharged from there, but i tink i wouldn't haf to go back..

    Gonna miss Grace Haven.. Great memories & Great frens found! Though they were noty, they were good frens.. Great people.. Actually, im grateful to firstly, all who took care of me, especially u. bee, the best supervisor around i'd say! He has such impact on my life dat i nv regret going in gh.. I wished the best would happen for those in Grace Haven & dat all in there would be blessed with homeleave & many more! Yay! LOL..

    Grats Clarence from gh for getting 10 points for his 'o' lvls.. i believe he has done his best so, yea.. But i havent heard from Joash wads his score.. Hope to contact him soon.. Also hope dat next year the same situation will happen to me =X.. Now, i believe this --> 行为铸载命运,which in other words, every action has its consequences.. i've learnt this from experience & i guarantee its true.. Another golden line taught by yan to me is freedom comes wif self-discipline.. Credits to him.. Noted now..

    Shyt! Cos i went to collect my things from hostel and unpacking them at home, i've not folo my newly planned timetable.. For the 1st time, i've made a timetable for my own control over computer and studies.. But on the 1st day, im not foloing up the timetable.. & i exceeded the 2hrs of com set by myself.. WTF.. i'll try again tmr & im sure it'll work! It failed today becos i've had to go back and take back my things and so many other things to do.. Not even haf the time to check my kpop news T-T WTF.. k.. gtg slp soon.. Everyday oso so tired 1.. wtf shd i do? .. Tmr is the start of a new day so lets hope its a better day for me & everyone! Signing off..

    written @ 10:32 PM

    Sunday, January 10, 2010
    Homework and all! WTF!

    Omg! i couldnt believe it.. i put my hearts and soul into studying chinese from 10.30pm ytd till 1+ tis morning! When i realised it it was 1.20 liao.. As in i got slack ard abit, but i dint expect myself to like spend it on homework & not on com.. i practised & revised 9 vowels out of the 21 vowels i learnt ytd.. But i mastered the 9 of the hanguel, which is the korean alphabets ytd and did a self-test.. i tink i mastered the 9 alphabets la.. More to come the following wkdays! i still left 12 vowels, inclusive of single and compound ones & also 19 consonants! Quite fun, i wasnt really able to cope wif my chinese language, but im sure i wan to learn this foreign language which is new to me.. So i noe i will do my best.. Its worth the try anyway!

    Tis morning i woke up early despite sleeping late.. Was doing my chinese homework since its the oni homework i get thru-out the wkends.. But i dont tink i can finish it! OMG later still going picnic.. NVM Hanguel here i come! (& also all the other subjects of cuz..)

    written @ 11:45 AM

    Saturday, January 9, 2010
    Korean language FTW!~

    Yo! Was dam tired after flag day so took a bath before using com.. Anyway, flag day today was crappy cos we were assigned to do it at chinatown.. I was in the same group wif lennard tan and we had a good chat.. Though it was not very long, but i get to noe him better, as a fren.. At 1st sight, or maybe by his actions and the way he speaks, he gave me the feeling dat he was like 'ang mo' cos he dont even speak chinese.. So my concept was dat most ang mos'd prefer english songs rather den other culture or language song.. So i was quite shock when i chatted wif him.. He was into j-pop, and j-culture.. So of cuz j-pop and k-pops are interlink, if im not wrong (correct me if im lol) so well.. Nice guy, outgoing personality i'd say.. So we chatted freely..

    Watched Blood: The Last Vampire~

    It has quite a unrealistic storyline but i kinda like it, as in overall la.. I only hated the parts where blood were seen cos its too crappy.. Why so fake 1.. If real den more cool..

    Now to the topic.. Today was my 1st ever korean and actually i wasnt informed of the amount of ppl going for this korean class.. Kc was quite heng since he got the last vacancy of this korean class.. im realli glad dat there is someone going for this kinda class wif me.. Thankful to him dat i wont be lonely and when we got qns or doubts, we could ask each other! Isnt dat the process of learning?

    I was quite amazed by the number of ppl attending.. I wouldnt tink dat Now if u've not take up 3rd language, u'll probably dunno abt the feeling.. Its like building a tower from scratch, making use of the only tool, machinary, which in my case, its the teacher.. The class was over even when i knew it.. The lesson was taught in a way dat it seemed to be so fast.. i mean, i was taking note of everything the teacher is teaching and made an effort to follow up.. The 1st lesson was learning korean alphabets, which im revising now.. i believe language should be practise, as the old saying goes like this, Practise Makes Perfect..

    So i'll made an effort to revise wad've been taught and not made a fool outta myself cos its me who's going to gain and i will work hard for my other subjects too, not forgetting dat im going for o lvls tis year.. Its quite an interesting lesson taught, but to tell the truth, i couldnt catch up wif some of the things the teacher taught.. NVM Still, Korean lesson FTW! i promised to work hard in w/e i do and i believe Actions speaks LOUDER den words.. Still i will not gif up no matter wad..

    WTF.. Why am i actively on9 still? Gotta Quit fooling ard and be serious! 'Always haf a target!' K!
    Monday's Compter Timing: 8~10 Let the ACTION Begin! LOLs

    written @ 9:17 PM

    Thursday, January 7, 2010
    Korean Horror Movie: A Blood Pledge

    Today i dunno y but i juz came upon this movie on the net so i searched a preview of the show but it appeared dat there was full movie on youtube by part so i spend a full 80 minute & watched the horror film.. Normally, i dint haf the patience to watch tis kind of movie but i dunno how, but i persevered watching the whole movie.. LOL Anyway, it has a jia0 storyline but i like the way it ends.. The last part has a happy part & a sad part.. But only a few horror scenes.. i hate those part when the scenes was almost black..

    written @ 9:27 PM

    RP Tour was great!

    Today was dam bad at sch.. Especially the new F&N teachers i met.. The 1st time when i asked a question, she was like 'huh'? & she gave me a feeling dat she's despising me.. Is like WTF la knn i was dam hot but i dint express it.. She was realli knn, compared to the previous F&N teachers in sgss.. Dats wad i felt abt her la.. But i haf a feeling she would not be much help in the coursework tis year lo.. Compared to ms noreen and mamohan.. The other male teacher is no diff lo.. Seriously, i tink my grade will drop for F&N lor.. Seriously at 1st sight, she's dam (b!tch) to be exact.. i dun expect much for other of their lessons after wad i felt in the 1st one.. Nah, dun wanna tok about it liao la..

    The sch decided dat we'd go for Republic Poly instead of Temasek and Ngee Ann.. I heard its one of the youngest sch among the poly.. Quite a good experience cos i got exposed on those courses as i've not research or look into those poly courses.. i've quite a bunch of courses in mind to aim & i would not wanna make rush choices so i'll work hard for the o lvls & see if i can get to which courses.. i'll try to reduce my computer usage.. Cant go on like this la..

    written @ 8:24 PM

    Tuesday, January 5, 2010
    Kara’s latest OST track !~ Cant wait!

    Kara will be singing the title track for the Stars Falling From the Sky OST.

    written @ 3:50 PM

    Monday, January 4, 2010
    Wa.. Yet another day..

    Today's the 1st day of sch of 2010.. Wow! A weird feeling stroke me when i reach sch.. i dunno how to describe it, i mean, shdnt i be at home slping like some of my frens? Well, nvm though, cos i promised myself wad i promised myself, so i shdnt tink back.. i shd tink for the future? Maybe so, or i wont haf a chance..

    Wtf! When i saw my new classmate, i was like, wow.. i dun realli noe some of my new classmate.. Or shd i put it like --> Wow i dunno abour half of the class? So, the form teacher for my class, which is A1, is Paul De suza or w/e his name was.. Him being my last year ss teacher, i dun quite noe him cos i was like 'who the fk care abt ss!' so i dint realli listen in class last year.. & i find him lame and all dat.. But when he was toking to the class, i find him quite good as a teacher, in the same time, as a joker LOL.. k not bad for the 1st day, cos i learned sth!

    When he was briefing us abt the new sch rules & wad the sch expect from us, it was like dam jia0.. The new P / VP of sgss is fked up jiao.. Changed the rule to fking strict.. Paul de suza has elaborated forgery offences till dam jiao.. If he dint say it was forgery, i'd tot dat telling lies is a major offence and will be dealt wif accordingly.. LOL.. Anyway, the whole class was dam noisy for the while & when they see the VP / P walking pass, the whole class went quiet.. A moment later he walked in to the class and praised us of our independence w/o a teacher in class.. Wad a joke.. zz.. Like dat oso can.. So maybe dats y : Dun judge a book by its cover.. Isnt dat 以貌取人 in chinese?

    Another thing i noticed about most experienced chinese teacher.. They like to kinda 'show off' how long / experienced they've been teaching and all dat by telling how long they've been teaching when they intro themselves.. Dats ok, if they said only when they intro themselves.. But some of them, like Liao bc, like to tok about how long they've been teaching all day long.. i dunno y but i find it irritating and sometimes, pathetic, but yet funny..

    Nah, wont tink abt it now.. Gotta kick the habit of slping late and waking late.. Its no longer holidays for me.. Fk.. Its like missing sth though.. Nvm.. Tried my best but it dint work for me =X

    **Grats Ivan on getting his iPhone so soon! Woa --> envious..** x.x

    written @ 7:58 PM

    Sunday, January 3, 2010
    Last Day Holidays..

    How time flies! There goes my holidays.. Quite fun though.. But for me, dats not enuf.. LOL..

    Registered for the Pa card member this morning.. For the korean elemetary class 1..  It cost me like $10 for the card member & $110 for 10 lessons.. Rest assure i'll put my heart in learning korean not juz becos i paid for the course myself, but for the interest of learning! For my K desire! LOLS.. Hope 2010 will be a exciting year in terms of K entertainment!

    Dint do much today.. Ate lunch wif ivan and dint noe wad to do next.. Were dam bored & dint noe wad to do.. Having so little time has limit us from going to places.. When we're heading home, it rained heavily so we decided to go garden lan since we were near the bus stop and the bus came.. So we played 2 hrs of lan.. Still, i still find it not worth it.. We haf not talk for a while, though we go out together often.. But y we nv tok? Cos we got no topic to tok about.. Nvm! I'll go & find topics and we'll sit down and tok about it!

    Tmr its the 1st day of sch again.. So sick.. Suck it man.. Nv tot i'd be going to the sch after 2009.. wtf.. Nvm we shd always tink positively.. Shall not let myself down this year! O lvls Here i come! Its abit depressing though, cos i saw my express stream fren taking O lvls 2 years ago, and my Na frens took them last year.. If you noe wad i mean, which some of u probably doesnt noe.. I'll not let myself be defeated in the critical state of my life.. Cos like Yan said, i'd fell down times and again & i shd not let myself fell down again, or maybe if i fell, i shd juz get up again and cont, like i did last times, but w/o much effort.. No.. I'll chiong for it & i believe actions speaks louder den words! So i wont let anything get in my ways in 2010! Nth at all.. Slping early.. Never Say Die.. Lets ROCK 2010!

    So sian not updated.. Havent been reading kpop news lately..

    written @ 9:05 PM

    Saturday, January 2, 2010
    Fun Outing Org by 8★Organiser!~

    Ytd i was at home doing nth.. Dam boring.. Clearing up books.. Took me whole day.. Too tired ytd & din haf time to blog.. Thx Yan again for passing me his o lvl books~

    Anyway, today was a fun day for me!~ And of cuz, my clique! As usual, Yan planned an outing which was enjoyable for all of us, even though there were only 4 of us.. We met at ard 10.30am in the morning & went to haf Lor Mee for breakfast.. Was so shiok..

    We head to Downtown after finishing our breakfast.. Shortly after, we were in Escape liao.. We were so lucky as it was the last day Escape was celebrating its 9th annivesary & the ticket cost us $9/pax while the normal ticket price was $17.70/pax.. Cant rmb when i last gone there.. Shd be sometimes 3 yrs ago or maybe 4 when my neighbour invited me to go over for his chalet.. The first item we do is the Daytona Go - Kart Advanced Track! Was fun! We have 2 go of the Go - Kart, 2 or 3 go for the Pirate's ship or w/e its called, 1 go for both haunted house and Wet & Wild.. As the day tick away, more and more ppl were Q-ing for all the rides.. We got sian and went to Bk & slack awhile after the Wet & Wild ride.. Yan was so wet LOL.. But nevertheless, the whole outing was enjoyable & fun! 8★ for dat! Hope we haf more outings on the Sat/Sun & of cuz i'd not miss it! Cos sch is starting.. Time flys when we're having fun..

    Dint expect myself to go 5n.. Nvm though.. i'd try my best in striving for the best in the years to come!

    Reached home at about 7.15pm.. Went out again at ard 8pm to 147 park to train my stamina again! Wow.. Its been 3 or 4 days i haven been running.. Felt tired but i still ran 10 rds.. Dat'll be approximately 3.5km.. i tink i complete it in abt 20 mins.. Thumbs up to Yan for 50 min continuous jogging! JY on ivan! Went to nite street market, which is pasar malam for those who dunno, and grabbed a honey chicken chop.. Shiok man! Nice intro on the crispy shitake, Yan! Gtg do other things.. Till next time..

    written @ 11:22 PM