
Name: JiLong <준하>
Just another ordinary guy..
♥ 디셈버

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    Thursday, December 31, 2009
    Tibits u ought to try! ~

    Looks dam cool huh? I wished i could get all those tibits and ice-cream here in sg..

    Wished theres 1 here in sg too.. lol.. Definitely will go and try it out if its open in sg! ~ Too bad its not ... T.T

    Source: http://onguyen.soshified.com/

    written @ 1:47 PM

    Jogging & exercising is fun!

    Went for jogging juz now.. Ran 2.4km but forget to time myself.. Nah its ok.. i tink i'd pass.. After jogging, i, yan and kc was listening to Jun chatting about a person called Chia Zhe Min from his former sch, peicai sec.. LOL.. Jun talked about him and his silly actions.. all was like joke.. Were laughing throughout.. i see dat Jun's lower sec life is interesting and filled wif playfulness and 'guailan ness'.. LOLS..

    Anyway, credit goes to yan for passing me all his o lvl books.. i hope i'll use it well next year! THX~ Hope u'll be getting books for the course u wan.. 旧的不去,新的不来 对吗?Im pretty sure u'll get the course u wan la.. Dun worry too much bah.. I hope i'll not regret going 5n.. Juz checked if there's still vacancies for the korean elementary class 1 at The Serangoon CC.. Heng still got 10 vacancies.. Phew! wad a relief.. Any1 wanna join me in learning korean at The Serangoon CC? i hope theres somebody.. But if not den nvm.. i'll put my heart in learning the language..

    Looking forward to tmr in jogging wif yan and JUN..

    written @ 3:37 AM

    Wednesday, December 30, 2009
    Wad a good haircut...

    i went to the sch ter collect the gpa cheque and buy books but when i go to the bookstore at sch, they say they nv sell sec 5 books currently..

    Went back to my hostel and got my hair checked.. If this kinda hair still dun pass, the e/d of the home can go bang the fking wall or jump down liao lol.. Anyway, i passed the hair inspection, if not it'll be dam fktard..

    After my hostel's hair inspection, gone to amk to bank in the cheque, and buy some food for lunch.. Was like 3pm.. The 鸡丁炒饭 i bought from amk central s11 for was not bad though.. In fact, Satisfying! i was enjoying my fried rice when my aunts called. They was asking me out for shopping and dinner.. Since i had not catch up wif them for quite some time, i decided to go wif them and get some things dat i needed..

    For the next few moment when i got to orchard, it was fked up.. To be exact, its an hour.. i dint noe orchard can be dat crowded wif ppl on weekdays afternoon.. Maybe its holidays? im not too sure.. i cant find them anywhere, and neither could i contact them cos i dont have a god dam phone.. i juz experienced wad it was like w/o a phone in orchard.. The experience was like dam godly, or shd i say it was dam dogly.. zz.. i was like waiting for them at the control station but i saw no1 in sight.. Dam dulan.. Juz when i started looking for public phone, a lady approached me and asked me if i could spare her 5 bucks cos she was buying the ticket to Msia but short of 5 bucks.. Maybe usually, like any1 else would, i'd juz heck care those ppl.. But to my own surprise, i forked out 4 bucks and said dat it was all i can spare.. She thanked me repeatedly.. Did i did the right thing?

    It took me an hour to find them.. Irritated.. The process is fked up so i wont tok about it.. Its bad enuf w/o a phone so i wont elaborate further.. Cos i seldom go orchard nowadays, so i v blur de.. Anyway, i brought a converse backpack which cost 50 bucks.. Its simple and plain but its cool black.. Liked the design.. My sis brought the same.. Went for dinner at Ajitei.. A japanese restn or sth.. They ate the main course and i ate only a serving of chawanmushi and a glass of ice-cream cos its not even 3hrs after i ate my lunch.. i'd say dat the chawanmushi its nicer den any of wad i've eaten b4.. Its steamed juz nice.. But i'd feel the black-honey ice-cream was a little bit too sweet.. But overall its nice la..

    After dat, we went isetan shop a while.. Actually, i was tinking of buying the addidas sports tee but the material sucks so i dint buy it.. The lines on the tee was made of rubber, which were dam heavy for sports tee.. After dat, my aunt went to famous amos to get me and my sis 200g of famous amos cookies! Its dam nice! Dats y its called famous amos lo..

    i went to breadtalk and bought 2 bread for myself before heading home.. i dunno y but i got the urge to eat bread.. i tink the habit was like 'formed' a few days ago.. i dunno how it came, but i juz realised it..

    Saw one of my hostel's night staff on the way home.. Chatted wif him on the bus.. He was heading for work.. Hes quite a nice guy actually, although when i was inside, he often scold me for wad i do wrong.. i appreciated.. Got home at about 9.40pm..

    written @ 11:49 PM

    Tuesday, December 29, 2009
    Out in the nature..

    Juz came back from Pulau Ubin.. Its been a while since i visited the nature.. We set out for changi point ferry terminal at about 9.30am.. Reached Pulau Ubin at ard 10.30am.. Rented a bike for 5 bucks.. Was a nice experience to cycle ard the small island with three fren.. Maybe its i too long nv go to park or sth.. Maybe next time Jun'll call more ppl go? Hope so..

    written @ 4:29 PM

    Life's boring..

    Made up my mind.. Gonna learn korean.. Since im so indulge in kpop, i was just thinking i might as well go and learn korean and get to noe wad they're singing.. Some ppl will be oni listening and enjoying the song w/o knowing wad it realli means, and im the some ppl dat i described about.. We tend to like the rhythm and tune but we dun noe wad it mean.. i mean, enjoyment is one thing, but understanding it adds on to the entertainment.. Agree?

    Another reason of me learning korean to watch k-drama or k-movie or k-wadever shyt raw.. Recently, i dl-ed episode 12 of the Strong Heart which is a entertainment series which is aired on SBS and still on-going..(Got the link from Soshified Forum).. But after i dl-ed finish and juz when i opened it to watch, i str8 sian liao.. the whole episode was raw.. No subs no nth.. i was like dam fked up.. Its like having it but u cant watch it cos u dun understand wad they're toking abt.. WA!!~~ T_T.. torture me.. zz..

    The 1st 20 lessons is free.. Cos i'll be using my gpa fund to cover the fees.. 1st time i use my own $ to go for classes.. But i doubt i'll be able to use for the last 10 lessons.. Cos i believe i'll spend it on other things or items before it comes.. Starts on 09/01/10.. Will be going down to register for the korean language course by Thurs latest.. Hope they'll haf vacancies or it'll be dam sad for me..

    Im sure it'll be fun learning since i have the interest in learning the language.. But i should tink its quite difficult, maybe as difficult as jap or more challenging? Nvm cfm worth it.. i Sometimes believes dat --> If theres a will, Theres a way..

    Anyway it could be an advantage, maybe in the service line or something, like wad my gd frens says.. But i doubt koreans will travel here for their holidays.. Do they? Maybe next time i'll get a chance to travel there.. I sincerely hope so..!

    Will be going Pulau Ubin on morning.. LOL.. Jun's the organiser.. Hopes everything turns out well.. Signing off..

    written @ 2:28 AM

    Monday, December 28, 2009
    Finally, i've made my choice..

    This morning at 9am sharp, i went to check on which course the ite gave me.. Was like fking dulan.. They gave me my 2nd choice, which is NST .. Fk dat.. The 1st thing dat doesnt goes well at the start of the day.. Well.. Theres more..

    Went back to my hostel at 12 noon today.. Was dam fked up.. The whole block waited Raymond for like 2 hrs.. WTF? He wanted me to cut away the sideburn and slope more of my hair when i juz cut before reporting for the hair inspection.. This kind of hostel life realli sux.. But hes a nice guy after all.. Nvm i wont be angry wif him.. No point.. Juz cut for him to see lor.. Dun wanna spoil my ehl.. Nah.. not worth it.. Nvm la i'll cut Specially for him lo.. Especially when he was the one who approved for my ehl.. So doing him a favour back lo.. ITS OK ! (FK!)

    After dat, i came home and was quarelling wif my mom.. She was like u wanna try go ask for 5n since u dint get the course u wan? Now i bring u go!.. I was like NO!.. My aunts was like encouraging me opt for 5n.. But some ppl was encouraging me to go for HNitec.. WTF?? After dat i decided for myself.. Go for o lvl 1st den see how lo.. So i went to sgss.. LOL i promised myself if ever i was able to promote to 5n, i'd rather go HNitec.. But u noe wad? Now i realised dat a person's heart changes easily.. But not mine leh.. Why now so? Nvm.. Wont think about it now..

    Called the shop in sim lim.. The shop keeper said he had ordered for the ram for me ytd.. When i call today, the boss told me it'll arrive at ard 7.30pm today.. Service not bad.. They've had many customer.. normally the shop is bz.. even on Sundays when i go ytd! Was abit suprised..

    *edited* --> Well.. Gd Service! 4☆ PUI! Still, Frozen Throne not working at all.. WTF? .. Anyone got any idea wad i could do abt it? When i on my wc3, straight away bsod..

    written @ 4:44 PM

    Sometimes, Life Is Hard..

    Went to sim lim sq ytd.. The ram they sold me was nt compatible to the motherboard so i go back to the shop and ask for exchange of ram.. Dey said they havent been ordering the model dat i could use and assure me dat they'll try to order from the supplier and call me..

    Anyway, dat fking ram has somehow helped me in conquering com gaming.. i could get neither Frozen Throne or any other games to work.. Wtf.. Dam fked up.. Was like 2 ~ 3 weeks liao.. i wonder how i survive.. a com w/o games.. Heng internet is still up or i swear i'll die LOL.. Dint happen much lately.. So i guess the next BIG thing coming up for me is of cuz the courses result.. Results will be out at 9am this morning for JIE Intake for ITE..

    Hope i'll be able to get the course i chose.. If not, im gonna try opt for o levels.. See how la.. Till den..

    written @ 12:36 AM

    Sunday, December 27, 2009
    Joke of the day.. LOL

    Forget to post ytd.. Wad a boring afternoon i haf ytd.. Gone to lan to play stupid td.. Anyway i dint touch td for quite a while liao.. So td is not bad after all.. But was so funny at the christmas party..

    Organised by corrine, she invited ivan, hanrong and me.. Hanrong is the joke of the day.. He was like telling anyone and everyone he noe there dat he wanna drink beer from the start of the party.. After dinner, we were having our drinks and den one of his fren passed him a can of unopened tiger beer.. He was like 'not the whole can la! i nt so pro in drinking'.. Den his fren ask him take a cup and poured beer in it.. Den when he sips on the beer, his frens was tell him 'dun be like girl la..' Den the whole group was watching him.. Or shd i say staring? All was like 'suan-ing' him.. Den as he drank faster, he was like going to spill all over his mouth LOL.. Den after about 10 min, he went red all over..

    We den realised dat another fren of his, which were part of the group, told him dat he himself work in the entertainment line for almost 20 years liao so the fren told him next time muz 厉害就好不要假厉害.. The fren still tell him dat he tested the wrong group.. LOL.. i was like laughing out loud.. Or rather the whole group was laughing out at his silly action..

    Anyway, i hope he has his lesson learnt..

    written @ 1:00 PM

    Friday, December 25, 2009
    3 More Days to Results..

    Time flys when we're having fun! Ya agree?

    This morning went jogging at 12am ~ 3am.. Haiyo! Yan ar.. Dun slack again tmr morning hor!.. Anyway, wad a day ytd! Earpiece spoil, tis spoil dat spoil.. + sch starting soon.. Muz buy books and uniform.. Hope i get the course i wan.. Or i'll really regret not going to 5n..

    Gonna intro new kpops! Stay tune.. LOL

    written @ 1:38 PM

    Thursday, December 24, 2009
    What a Bdae!~

    Aiyo.. What a bdae.. Dint realli celebrate tis year.. Went to kovan for lunch.. the beef noodle ROX! Woa!

    Went to Sumo House for dinner.. Aiming to gain more weight.. Wished im fatter a bit, so trying to eat more.. Another aim is to jog everyday.. Juz jogged before tis.. Wanted to train my stamina now.. So going every morning.. at ard 12am.. Shd tot dat im a tard.. but hated the sun.. so midnite jogging better for me..

    Signing off to read kpop news! Kpop FTW!~

    written @ 2:47 AM

    Wednesday, December 23, 2009
    Finally.. 1st blog up..

    First Blog for me!

    Was feeling bored and someone suggested me to go blogging.. So here im.. Hope it wont be too plain though.. Will try my best to improve blogging as best as it can be..
    Previously, i thought blogging was for people w/o life.. Now.. wtf.. nvm gonna slp le..
    dam tired in choosing the ITE course.. Dint really think about my ambitions.. So..
    Time to think about it now..

    Its a bit late but its better den never..

    written @ 3:10 AM